Grandfather – Grandmother DNA Test
Find your roots, determine your family’s history.
The Grandfather - Grandmother DNA Test determines whether an alleged grandparent is biologically related to a child.
This kind of analysis is useful when the parent (father or mother) cannot be tested, as the parents’ DNA comes entirely from the grandparents. Comparing a child’s DNA with their grandparents’ is an indirect way to carry out a Paternity/Maternity Test. Such information can be useful:
- For the recognition of paternity/maternity when the parents are not alive or available
- For personal reasons when a persons wishes to find whether they are biologically related with another person
- For inheritance purposes and succession rights
Do you need the Grandfather-Grandmother DNA test for legal use?
Find out more.
Analysis of 24 - 83 STRs
DNAlogy analyses include the study of 24-44 genetic markers (STRs). In addition, up to 27 Y chromosome markers can be studied to determine common patrilineal ancestry, mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms to determine common matrilineal ancestry, as well as up to 12 X chromosome markers to enhance the accuracy of the result.
The results of laboratory analyses are entered in special software which taking into consideration all required parameters (e.g. race, likelihood of mutation, internationally-recognised population databases, etc) process the data to compute the final results.
Expert Report
Analysis and interpretation of results is carried out by 2 special experts in our laboratory, who also sign off the final expert report that contains the laboratory results and the detailed conclusions.
Who participates in the Grandfather-Grandmother Test
The Grandfather-Grandmother DNA Test is based on the fact that each person inherits their genetic material from their parents and they in turn from their parents (grandparents).

Grandfather – Grandmother DNA Test
Grandfather-Grandmother-Grandchild (3 persons)
The participants of a Grandfather-Grandmother DNA Test are the child, the alleged grandfather and the alleged grandmother. Participation of one parent is optional.

Grandfather – Grandmother DNA Test

Υ Paternal Lineage

mtDNA Maternal
Grandfather/Grandmother-Grandchild (2 persons)
The participants of a Single Grandparent DNA Test are the child, the alleged grandfather or the alleged grandmother. If one of the 2 is available, the participation of the other parent is strongly encouraged.
If the test participants are the paternal grandfather and grandson, then a Y chromosome analysis can be carried out to determine the common paternal lineage.
If the test participants are the maternal grandmother and the grandchild (boy or girl), then a Mitochondrial DNA analysis can be carried out to determine the common maternal lineage.
*Mitochondrial DNA analysis is recommended in cases where the nuclear DNA is not enough or is of poor quality.
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