Y Chromosome Analysis
To determine your Paternal Lineage
The Y chromosome is part of the nuclear DNA and is found in males only.
It is passed on entirely from the father to the son, which means that all male members of a family that share a male ancestor also share the same Y chromosome. Thus, the Y chromosome cannot be used to ascertain the degree of relationship,but can be used to ascertain common paternal lineage.
Y chromosome analysis can be used in cases of:
- determination of relationship by common paternal genealogy
- investigation of adopted children to determine biological relatives
- creation of a genealogical tree
Do you need a Y-chromosome DNA analysis for legal use?
Find out more.
Analysis of 27 ΥSTRs
DNAlogy analyses include the study of 27 genetic markers (STRs) found on the Y chromosome to ascertain common patrilineal ancestry.
The results of laboratory analyses are entered in special software which taking into consideration all necessary parameters process the data to compute the final results.
Expert Report
Analysis and interpretation of results is carried out by 2 special experts in our laboratory, who also sign off the final expert report that contains the laboratory results and the detailed conclusions.
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